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Things you DON'T NEED to lose weight (that everyone tells you to get)

by Jacinta Plazzer on March 02, 2022

Save yourself time and money, here are four things you definately don't need in order to lose weight.

1. Expensive programs

You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a program that gives you access to recipes and exercise routines. There are thousands (and thousands) of great exercise routines available for free on Youtube.  Find one that works for you and use it for free.

Here are some we like:

Holly Dolke 7 minute Workout

Women's Health 5 minute workout

HASfit 5 minute Ab workout

2. A gym membership

You can do resistance training at home with zero equipment. Planks, sit-ups, walking around the clothesline (yes it's a thing!) are free and easy.  Even just 3 minutes of various planks every two days will build strength just as well as any machines at the gym.

3. Counting calories

If you want to totally kill the enjoyment of food, start counting calories!  You know deep down that McDonalds, Cake, Chips, Sugary foods and juices are not healthy. Steer clear of them altogether. If you stick to reasonable portion sizes, grilled meats flavoured with herbs not sweet sauces, oven roasted veggies and fresh salads, there is absolutely no need to count calories. And Yeppoonie Smoothies when you feel like a hit of low calorie, high health smoothie!

4. Apps

Apps are designed to simplify things, but they can also just be another task to worry about in your busy schedule. Limit the amount of apps, groups, and social media in general that you follow and you will free up loads of time. Sure scrolling through Instagram feeds looking at healthy people may inspire you, but limit how much you absorb. Best to get off the phone apps and go for a walk around the neighbourhood.


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